Technical Data
80 Watt CO2 power source
Working area mm: 1200 x 900 x H250
High speed and high precision stepper motor for X -Y axes
Z axle driven by stepper motor
Support plate in aluminum slats for lifting and lowering of 250 mm.
Semiautomatic focusing system with double pointer
Cutting head with focal lens holder and interchangeable nozzle
Constant beam quality across the surface
Speed in RASTER mode: programmable up to 1000 mm / sec.
Speed in VECTOR mode: programmable up to 500 mm / sec.
RASTER resolution: programmable up to 1000 DPI / LPI
(can be set independently).
Logical and physical zero axes X-Y: top of the SX or DX programmable
Lasercut interface software 5.3
Chiller, for laser source: refrigeration unit / liquid thermostat
in closed loop.
Connection for smoke suction
Dimensions of the machine mm. 1400 x 1850 x H.1030
Power supply 230 V 50/60 Hz 2,4 kW
Chiller 230V, 50/60 Hz 0,8 kW
Quick lock system for CNC machines MR15 – MR25 – MR23
CE stdandards
Front and rear opening for material processing in slabs or coils
Technical features are indicative and non-binding
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